Product Sheet
Environment / price list

Children's bedrooms and Living rooms

Type of article

High beds / Loft beds

Materials used

ECO model: Structure in melamine + front in melamine or lacquered in standard colors
LACQUERED model: Structure + front in lacquered in standard colors Drawers
ECO Model: Melamine structure + melamine front or lacquered front in standard colors
LACQUERED model: Structure + lacquered front in standard colors.
Drawer sides in birch plywood, back and front in PVC coated with melanin paper, bottom in MDF
Protective sides in powder-coated steel or varnished solid wood with or without upholstery in fabric or eco-leather
Hardware in metal alloy or plastic

Use and maintenance

Assembly and installation

Preliminary information for use:
The product is supplied packaged to prevent damage, however it must be handled with care and avoid knocks and falls that could damage the product. For handling it is recommended to use mechanical or manual equipment in order to limit the effort. Do not expose it to bad weather or extreme environmental situations (temperatures <0 ° C or> 35 ° C; relative humidity> / = 70%). When opening the packaging, do not use sharp objects (cutters) and pay the utmost attention not to damage the product For the products to be assembled, contact specialized personnel
After the first year of use and every years it is advisable to adjust the screws, check that there is no damage to the product.

Use of product

The use of the product must comply with the type of indoors product and with temperatures between 0 ° C and 35 ° C; relative humidity less than or equal to 70%. Do not expose it to direct sunlight or sources of heat, which could accelerate its obsolescence as well as modify its brightness and uniformity of color and external finishes. Avoid collisions with hard or sharp objects on the surfaces.
The article is designed to support the weight of one person on the bed in a lying position up to 100 kg.


To clean the “wooden” surfaces of the article, use a cotton or wool cloth or a non-abrasive cloth, soaked in water and then wrung out (not dripping); then wipe with a dry (non-abrasive) cloth to dry the surface. Do not scrub quickly and repeatedly. Where the dirt is stubborn it is possible to use household detergents. DO NOT USE ACIDS OR INDUSTRIAL DETERGENTS WHICH COULD DAMAGE THE PRODUCT. For metal components only, it is possible to use industrial solvents as long as they are compatible with the finishes and using non-abrasive supports.

Any additional information

In case of use by children, make sure that all the devices have been mounted in accordance with EN 747 and issued a suitable certificate by GIESSEGI. In any case, do not modify the configurations provided by GIESSEGI (eg mattress height). FORBIDD USE BY MINORS OF 6 YEARS OLD.
In the case of lifting devices for the article, make sure that it works correctly before going under the opening. Do not allow access of children under "raised" items.

Dangerous substances

The panels used for the structure have formaldehyde emission class E1. There are no dangerous substances to report pursuant to Reg (EU) 1907/2006 (REACH)

Life cycle

Although the product can keep its functions for a long period, if used in compliance with this sheet, it is nevertheless designed by the manufacturer to guarantee its technical and aesthetic performance for a maximum period of 2 years.

Information on end-of-use disposal

At the end of use, the product must be delivered to authorized waste treatment / disposal facilities, in accordance with current legislation.


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